"I work with the intention of identifying possible paths to contemporary life in view of the complex human constructions on one side and on the other our eternal demand for affection, for the meaning of the body itself and to give a fuller meaning to our desire and by extension to our existence.
In my works, I operate a constant combination of cuts and displacements that seek to reflect the complexity of current life.
Due to a multifaceted world experience and the stunning avalanche of facts, situations and functions that are sometimes disparate and contradictory, my work resulted in a propensity to establish tensioning relationships, such as: planned and random, appropriation and own, existing and non-existent management. transparency and opacity, drawing and painting etc.
Formally, I drifted into overlapping and juxtaposition processes creating plots and entanglement of images resulting in unusual and unexpected combinations.
Surprise and planning are conceptual binders that move my work. ”